(1) RM/RQ: Required
ISBN: -13978-1-59403-207-3
Author: James Franklin
Title: What Science Knows
Publisher: Encounter Books
Month Used: Jan

This book is the textbook. I will try to cover what I think are the important parts of it

(2) RM/RQ: Required
ISBN: LibCongress67-14527
Author: Richard Feynman
Title: The Character of Physical Law
Publisher: M.I.T. Press
Month Used: Jan

This short book is a series of lectures for non-scientists. Richard Feynman won the Nobel Prize for his work in the theory of elementary particles. In these lectures he describes what he thinks is the methodology of science. It was written before most the the phenomenology of particle physics was discovered. It might be interesting to think about whether discoveries since the writing of this book would have changed Feynman's ideas about science.

(2) RM/RQ: Required
ISBN: 978-0-307-27812-8
Author: Brian Greene
Title: The Hidden reality
Publisher: Vintager Books
Month Used: Feb

This book describes some of the more amazing ideas in modern particle physics and cosmology. We should discuss whether the science described in this book is really hat we have always defined as science.