ATLAS Pixel detector testbeam studies at Toronto

Pekka reviewed testbeam studies he has undertaken over the last couple of years since returning from a sabbatical at LBL where he began this work. He described studies that were carried out last summer by a summer student under his direction in Toronto (Aidan Robson). They studied detector efficiencies and depletion depths on detector assemblies that were tested in a 1997 testbeam. They also began to look at some of the pre-production (FE-B) prototypes that were tested in May 1998. A note describing this work is avaiable here .

Pekka is tooling up to participate in testbeam studies on data taken this summer. However this work is often highly dependent on calibration constants (threshold variations and channel gains) that are difficult to get at a remote institute. One of the goals of the Toronto group is to setup a pixel module testing facility to be able to perform some of these calibrations in Toronto to further support testbeam analysis.

For more information on ATLAS pixel testbeam studies in Canada please feel free to contact