CDF Toronto
The CDF group at the University of Toronto consists of:
Robert Orr
Pierre Savard
Pekka Sinervo
William Trischuk
Kostas Kordas
Rachid Mazini
Reda Tafirout
Graduate Students
Jean-Francois Arguin
Stan Lai
Dan MacQueen
Shabnaz Pashapour
Simon Sabik
Teresa Spreitzer
Bernd Stelzer
Oliver Stelzer-Chilton
Ian Vollrath
Undergraduate Students
Sahand Hormoz
Si Xie
Former post-docs of this group include:
Szymon Gadomski
John Mayer
Michael Riveline
Former graduates of this group include:
Robert Cropp
Bjoern Hinrichsen
Dan Humphrey
Hyunsoo Kim
Andrew Robinson
Wendy Taylor
Andreas Warburton
Maja Popovic