High Energy Physics Graduate Students at Toronto

This is a list of the students currently (as of the fall of 2006) doing graduate work in experimental particle physics at the University of Toronto.

Students Currently doing Graduate work in experimental HEP
Student Supervisor Experiment Thesis Topic
Cristen Adams Savard ATLAS ATLAS Jet energy scale corrections
Sing-Leung Cheung Savard ATLAS
Saminder Dhaliwal Orr ATLAS
Pier-Olivier Deviveiros Savard ATLAS ATLAS Missing Energy Calibrations
Bin Guo Sinervo ATLAS ATLAS calorimeter event display,
Dan MacQueen Orr CDF Missing energy search for SUSY with CDF
Kalen Martens Orr ATLAS CP violation studies in tt-bar production at ATLAS
Shabnaz Pashapour Sinervo CDF Top Production mechanisms with CDF
Gabe Rosenbaum Krieger ATLAS ATLAS calorimeter commissioning,
Jaspreet Sidhu Teuscher ATLAS
Teresa Spreitzer Savard CDF Top production cross-sections at CDF
Trevor Stewart Martin ZEUS Longitudinal Proton Structure Functions
Dominique Tardif Trischuk ATLAS ATLAS Beam conditions monitoring
Peter Thompson Kreiger ATLAS ATLAS Calorimter testbeam studies